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Sunday, March 16, 2008;
Hey Hey Peoples !
today is th last day of march holidays 'o8 !
enjoy it ! & see everyone tmr !
must come sch ar !
dont overslept alrights ! [:

&& do come & do some posting alrights.
th blog so plain...
only tagbox got ppl talking :X


★ 3:45 PM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥

Friday, February 15, 2008;
棒棒堂 & 黑澀會美眉

微微笑的看你 越是認真 就越讓人心疼

街頭那盞路燈 彷彿在笑我愚笨
沒什麼能做 但我比誰都真誠
泡一杯苦茶 陪伴你到夜深

(棒棒堂; 合唱)
妳知不知道你 總有一種很可愛的獨特
讓我充滿勇氣 抵抗冬天的寒冷
怎樣做才會完美 像個男人
喝一杯苦茶溫暖 你的體溫

(黑澀會美眉&棒棒堂; 合唱)
不用等你開口 先說我愛你
在那之前 想對你說我願意
你不必問 你也不必等
這一刻 就值得愛到永恆
在那之後 你點頭說我願意
想照顧你 想守護着你
這一刻 只想把你抱緊

(黑澀會美眉; 合唱)
你知不知道你 也有一種很可愛的天真大男孩的口吻

(棒棒堂; 合唱)
怎樣做才會完美 像個男人 [像個男人~]
喝一杯苦茶溫暖 你的體溫

(黑澀會美眉&棒棒堂; 合唱)
不用等你開口 先說我愛你
在那之前 想對你說我願意
你不必問 你也不必等
這一刻 就值得愛到永恆
在那之後 你點頭說我願意
想照顧你 想守護著你
這一刻 只想把你抱緊

(黑澀會美眉; 合唱)
雖然永遠 太不可能少了你的完整

(黑澀會美眉&棒棒堂; 合唱)
不用等你開口 先說我愛你
在那之前 想對你說我願意
你不必問 你也不必等
這一刻 就值得愛到永恆
在那之後 你點頭說我願意
想照顧你 想守護著你
這一刻 只想把你抱緊

這一刻 只想把你


★ 7:23 PM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥

aiyoyo !
sherlyn toh zhu tou !
why your posting got ahyi's name arh ?!
dont angry lahs.. ahyi's fault ok ?
i shouldnt be so good in blogging :XX
you dont be so so angry cannnns ?
&& Lee Jia Wei ! dont like tht say her lahs ... LOL ._.
v hurting de leh ....
& sherlyn ! is BRENDA ! no branda!
&& pls lahs ! he my korkor leh !!! ._.
but i think you 2 more pei :X
wahahahah ^^

&& jiawei, changed the songs le.
can say is add th song only lahs.
need add any other songs tell me. [:


★ 6:45 PM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥


一截老老的老姜 一段旧旧的旧时光
我说啊 屏风就该遮冰霜 屋檐就该挡月光
江湖就该开扇窗 平剧就该耍花枪
我不卖豆腐(豆腐) 豆腐(豆腐)
功夫(功夫) 功夫(功夫)
赶紧穿上旗袍 免得你说我吃你豆腐
你就像豆腐(豆腐) 豆腐(豆腐)
功夫(功夫) 功夫(功夫)
赶紧穿上旗袍 免得你说我吃你豆腐
我稍微伸展拳脚 你就滚到边
疆回旋踢太用力 画面就变的很荒凉
落花配对配夕阳 翻山越岭渡过江
我清一清嗓 清一清嗓 唱起秦腔
飞天飞敦煌 北方北大荒
啊这什么地方 这什么状况 啦啦啦啦
闷了慌了倦了我就踩在你肩膀我不卖豆腐(豆腐) 豆腐(豆腐)
功夫(功夫) 功夫(功夫)
赶紧穿上旗袍 免得你说我吃你豆腐
你就像豆腐(豆腐) 豆腐(豆腐)
功夫(功夫) 功夫(功夫)
赶紧穿上旗袍 免得你说我吃你豆腐

★ 5:57 PM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥

Sunday, February 10, 2008;
YOYOYO !!!!!!!!!!!
Seah Jing Yi here :DDDD
i edit th font & some of th things of th blog skin.
wish you all like it :D
if you all dont like th color or what also can tell me , i can change it anytime !
th songs also can be changed ^^

&& th gonggong family untied forever ! :D

Th Gong Gong Family's Ahyi !

★ 2:06 PM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥

JiaWei dunn think uu maii jie jie veri bigg arr .. ... kaopei la .. if ii cann findd tthe blogskin thann cann go liiao lorr.. wann blame ggo blame tat ppl wh0 did tat blogskin la !! dunn misunderst0od... ps if scoldd badd wordd.. todae m0od sux t0 cock ! .. ah yi ah yi ... everiidae thiink abt her .. ur l0vre la .. =.= ... not branda meh ? ... mai tok cock la ... everii time supp0rt ahyii thiings.. thann nv appreciatedd ppl hardd work.. if uu cann fiind blogskin than uu g0 do la .. thiink so willin meh .. everii 1 die so fast no touch tis blog ... if uu find miie doin tis sux to cock thann uu do lorr.. so pro uu do la .. thiink easy meh ... iif ii master tthe blogg thiing thann ii no niid tto ddo tat l0ng tiime liao... iif uu cann do iit iin 10 min n better thann miie .. ii will thiink uu r m0re smart thann miie.. iif n0t thann dunn tok so big until like tat........... wtf ~!!!!! mai kpkb la ...

★ 3:48 AM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥

Saturday, February 9, 2008;
miie!! [[ShErLyNn]] have changedd tthe blogg skiins !! everii members pls post somethingg .. thanky0u

start fr0m miie.. ii will like t0 sae tat tis blog is specialy f0r tthe GongGongFamily!! .. other cann also tagg,, haha .

ii l0oked f0r tis blogg skins abt hours plus as ii dunn0e wadd tt0 ch0ose [[ps if uu dislike]]
hmm... everii month if possible who cann fiind tthe blogskin.. ii will bbe changin it .. so everii 1 pls suggest s0me blogskin uu thiink is nice//wonderfull f0r this blog =)

kk.. ii shall sae tat all ppl r requested tt0 post s0mething... iif tthe *+*GongGongFamily*+* members does n0t seem tto noe tthe password f0r tis blog.. pls l0okin f0rr miie//or otherr members who noe this acc dde hotmail//pw ..
Thankyou =X

things tat happenedd tto us :: ourr family spirit will nv break unless there r evil things happenin .. pls bbe :; "c n0 evil, heardd no evil, touch no evil".. haha jokin jokin jokin...
hmm.. m0re thing will bbe post if daes happen tt0 bbe past =))..

L0Vre uu all 4ever
muuackkiess ~ l0vre fr0m ShErLyNn,
Aniithiing happened will n0t affectt us !!
meet problem cure problem [[spirit 4 ever]]
Exams Aroundd jiiayou !!!

★ 7:44 PM -
♥ GongGong Family Rocks ! ♥

♥ Welcome

thegonggongfamily.bs.com (:

  • Love us & tag before leaving.
  • Never spam in our blog !
  • Think twice; before you doing any stupid thing.

    Love us?
    thn stay; & we will love you :D

    Hate us?
    Click Here &byebye to you!

    ♥ About th Hearts

    WeeBee; TaiGong
    YeeHong; TaiMa
    ShenWei; AhGong
    Denzel; AhGong

    Bronson; Step-Father
    SingHui; Mummy
    JingYi; Ahyi

    GeokSan; Son
    JiaWei; Son
    Sherlyn; Son
    Onesia; Daughter
    Dati; Daughter
    XueLing; Daughter

    SinYi; Nuer 1
    BiHsin; Nuer 2
    Charmaine; Nuer 3
    Catherine; Nuer 4

    &We're from the GONGGONG-FAMILY!! :D

  • ♥ Heart wishes
    ★ GongGong Family Forever United ! :D
    ★ Things that we dunn own.
    ★ Everyone stay tgt & never quarrels !

    ♥ Those Memories

    ♂February 2008♀ ♂March 2008♀

    ♥ Love Exits

    ♥ Sweet Talks
    Hey ! dont talk craps here please.
    This is only for our family & those who loves us :D
    SPAMMERS SUCKS TOO ;so dont spam!

    ♥ Sing w/ me

    Currently playing``
    ღ 周大侠
    ღ 新窝
    ღ 苦茶
    wish you all like th saongs. Come & sing along ! :D
    ♥ Say Thnk You!
    Designer: LOVES.0428
    Basecoder : purplekisses-
    Blog views:Hits counters
    Pictures: xxx